Thursday 6 November 2008

Portfolio 5

Brain mapping is a technology that makes use of brain scans to determine what a research subject is thinking about. However, like all technologies there are pros and cons to the usage of brain mapping. One of the positive effects on society is a higher level of science technology as a result of such breakthrough. In addition, brain mapping could potentially be applied to aid criminal investigations and in the medical sector such as for the study of autism, disorders of thoughts and semantic dementias. Further research would also be stimulated. For negative effects, people might tend to accept results of brain mapping and not strive to change. They might still think that this technology is not ready or proven, and thus refuses to use it. Some people might also make use of the technology for selfish gains and that talented people might miss out on jobs as a result of employers’ selectivity base on brain mapping results.

If I am a researcher in this field, to predict and minimize unethical abuse to my work I will place much emphasis on the security aspect. First, the work data will have to be encrypted so that even though if it falls on outsiders’ hands they cannot access the data. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that only personnel with required clearance level are able be part of the research team and able to access data using special access cards. Having a backup server, updating of the system antivirus software weekly and better enhancement of network security would also be crucial in overall security. Lastly, by having a few level of authorization required from different department heads in order to be able to access the data, minimization of unethical abuse can be achieved.


khoose said...

Hi Eugene,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work. All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.
By the way, I absolutely agree with what you said about security--when access to the mind is involved, we cannot be too careful.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)

khoose said...

Hi Eugene,
I just want to add a comment on Portfolio Task 4. You wrote that you "jolt down" your ideas. The correct phrase is "jot down". A jolt is a sudden push, lurch, or shock. :)