Friday 31 October 2008

Portfolio 4

The difficulties I often face in writing in my engineering classes are always associated with the planning and organisation phase. Quite frequently during the initial planning stage, I will have the tendency to drift off the main question while I jolt down the sudden influx of ideas in my mind. As a result, the time taken for the basics of my report to be ready will be much longer. In addition, I will often have problems linking the various ideas that were jolted down together. Therefore, the ideas would often be presented in a disorganised state and the writing would not have a smooth flow.
To resolve these difficulties, I will always try to take note of the question’s main point. For example, in one question there might be two or more key portions which are needed to be address. By first taking note of each key portion to be address, I will then proceed to work on each of these main portions individually. Through this way, first the tendency to drift from the question will be lesser as I will always be working with reference to one main point. Secondly, by working on each main portion of the question individually, the task of linking the ideas to ensure the smoothness of report’s flow will definitely be much easier as lesser organisation is required in this case as compared to the case where all the ideas are jolted down without any coordination between them.
For continual improvement, the best way is to get more exposure of such situations and get more practice on them. To better plan and organise the ideas, I will try to work more efficiently by dividing the question into more possible sub-sections so that the organisation are already better and that coordination between ideas are also easier.

1 comment:

Wang Xiao said...

Yes, I also encounter the same problem during my QET exam and I blame my it for my final failure a lot. I think the thing is during the planning part, we shouldn't expect writing an essay that can cover every aspect. Just focus on the main question and pop up ideas that can be expressed clearly within the word limit.