Saturday 4 October 2008

Summary: Secure Cyberspace

To date, cyberspace security remains as a complicated issue for engineers to address. This particular aspect of security is important because electronic systems and communications have become essential portions for many sectors of the world which is evident in transportations, work sectors, resources and even in our routine schedule. Therefore damages done to any of these networks will have undesired effect not only on individuals, but also the entire community. Even so, there had been consistent attacks on cyber-security in terms of stealing confidential information and viruses affecting business activities online.Frequently in the past, security was done by “defending” entry points to computer networks. However this was proved ineffective as such defense can be and are often breached. The instability of these systems could contribute to cyber-attacks too which explains the situation where solutions are lacking for these problems. Therefore, better procedures are required from engineering to enhance cyber-securities such as authentications and verifications. Some of the issues which engineering needs to address includes coming up with better software and enhancing the protection for online data flowing between destinations so as to ensure that the data could not be tampered with in any situation. For these possible enhancements, technologies for monitoring, detections, preventions, repair and recovery must also be available with. Engineers will also have to understand that cyber-security works with protection of the whole system instead of specific portions and that it had to be done on all fronts. In addition, security system must be user-friendly and this could be achieved by understanding how people use their computer so that best solutions can be developed. Lastly, understanding the mentality of cyber-attackers, re-evaluations of existing laws and political support will also assist in the complicated task of ultimate cyberspace protection achievement.

National Academy of Engineering. (n.d). Secure Cyberspace. Retrieved October 3, 2008, from

1 comment:

Hong En said...

With the use of social networking websites and online banking, we ourselves have to be extra careful and responsible enough in safeguarding our personal information.