Thursday 6 November 2008

Portfolio 5

Brain mapping is a technology that makes use of brain scans to determine what a research subject is thinking about. However, like all technologies there are pros and cons to the usage of brain mapping. One of the positive effects on society is a higher level of science technology as a result of such breakthrough. In addition, brain mapping could potentially be applied to aid criminal investigations and in the medical sector such as for the study of autism, disorders of thoughts and semantic dementias. Further research would also be stimulated. For negative effects, people might tend to accept results of brain mapping and not strive to change. They might still think that this technology is not ready or proven, and thus refuses to use it. Some people might also make use of the technology for selfish gains and that talented people might miss out on jobs as a result of employers’ selectivity base on brain mapping results.

If I am a researcher in this field, to predict and minimize unethical abuse to my work I will place much emphasis on the security aspect. First, the work data will have to be encrypted so that even though if it falls on outsiders’ hands they cannot access the data. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that only personnel with required clearance level are able be part of the research team and able to access data using special access cards. Having a backup server, updating of the system antivirus software weekly and better enhancement of network security would also be crucial in overall security. Lastly, by having a few level of authorization required from different department heads in order to be able to access the data, minimization of unethical abuse can be achieved.

Friday 31 October 2008

Portfolio 4

The difficulties I often face in writing in my engineering classes are always associated with the planning and organisation phase. Quite frequently during the initial planning stage, I will have the tendency to drift off the main question while I jolt down the sudden influx of ideas in my mind. As a result, the time taken for the basics of my report to be ready will be much longer. In addition, I will often have problems linking the various ideas that were jolted down together. Therefore, the ideas would often be presented in a disorganised state and the writing would not have a smooth flow.
To resolve these difficulties, I will always try to take note of the question’s main point. For example, in one question there might be two or more key portions which are needed to be address. By first taking note of each key portion to be address, I will then proceed to work on each of these main portions individually. Through this way, first the tendency to drift from the question will be lesser as I will always be working with reference to one main point. Secondly, by working on each main portion of the question individually, the task of linking the ideas to ensure the smoothness of report’s flow will definitely be much easier as lesser organisation is required in this case as compared to the case where all the ideas are jolted down without any coordination between them.
For continual improvement, the best way is to get more exposure of such situations and get more practice on them. To better plan and organise the ideas, I will try to work more efficiently by dividing the question into more possible sub-sections so that the organisation are already better and that coordination between ideas are also easier.

Saturday 4 October 2008

Summary: Secure Cyberspace

To date, cyberspace security remains as a complicated issue for engineers to address. This particular aspect of security is important because electronic systems and communications have become essential portions for many sectors of the world which is evident in transportations, work sectors, resources and even in our routine schedule. Therefore damages done to any of these networks will have undesired effect not only on individuals, but also the entire community. Even so, there had been consistent attacks on cyber-security in terms of stealing confidential information and viruses affecting business activities online.Frequently in the past, security was done by “defending” entry points to computer networks. However this was proved ineffective as such defense can be and are often breached. The instability of these systems could contribute to cyber-attacks too which explains the situation where solutions are lacking for these problems. Therefore, better procedures are required from engineering to enhance cyber-securities such as authentications and verifications. Some of the issues which engineering needs to address includes coming up with better software and enhancing the protection for online data flowing between destinations so as to ensure that the data could not be tampered with in any situation. For these possible enhancements, technologies for monitoring, detections, preventions, repair and recovery must also be available with. Engineers will also have to understand that cyber-security works with protection of the whole system instead of specific portions and that it had to be done on all fronts. In addition, security system must be user-friendly and this could be achieved by understanding how people use their computer so that best solutions can be developed. Lastly, understanding the mentality of cyber-attackers, re-evaluations of existing laws and political support will also assist in the complicated task of ultimate cyberspace protection achievement.

National Academy of Engineering. (n.d). Secure Cyberspace. Retrieved October 3, 2008, from

Friday 26 September 2008

WT1: Why people resist new technologies

The negative mindset of the public is one of the main reasons why people resist new technologies. Even though new technologies offer a better life, some people still resist them due to their lack of belief in the worth of learning these new technologies. This attitude can be found reflected in many people. The existence of such an attitude is partially due to them being unconvinced that existing and traditional technologies that are very convenient in their daily lives could be easily replaced by new technologies, even though they are better and more advanced. Since people may have used existing methods for many years, many are not convinced that the new technologies are worth learning. For example, the older generation is particularly likely to be unconvinced, as they do not believe in the worth of, or feel the need to upgrade themselves with new technologies such as picking up the skill of using a computer. This is because to these elderly people, the computer technology is considered to be something extra to their daily routine of life, therefore leading the elderly to feel that it is unnecessary for them to pick up this skill of using the computer. New technologies may also not be proven enough yet for the public to accept and try readily, which also leads to the lack of belief that new technologies are worth learning. Furthermore, newer technologies frequently emerge. This may lead to some people doubting the worth of picking up new technologies since the new technologies are easily replaceable. To conclude, many people doubt new technologies, therefore it is inevitable that they resist it.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Common Grammar Mistake

One of my most common grammar mistakes that exist in my writing is the wrong usage of prepositions, in particular the usage of prepositions ‘in’ and ‘of’ which causes my language sentences to be rather clumsy and awkward. There are two reasons to why I tend to make these preposition mistakes frequently. One of these reasons is due to my personal carelessness and lack of awareness during my writing process as I am more concern in translating ideas into words while they are still fresh in my mind.

Prepositions are used to link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The other reason for my mistake is because the relationship between the object and the rest of the sentence was not as clear and obvious for me to comprehend. For example, “the book is on the table” The preposition used here is obvious in explaining the relationship between the object, which is the book, and the rest of the sentence. However for an example like “resist due to the lack of belief in the worth”, I was often left pondering with the choice of preposition. Therefore in WT1, such mistakes occurred where my paragraph has a sentence like “resist due to the lack in belief of the worth”.

There is a need for prepositions to be used correctly as incorrect usage will result in a total different meaning from the initial we have intended to convey. Taking for example, “that thing was made of” and “that thing was made in” are totally different in meaning where the former refers to the composition that made up the thing and the latter refers to the location in which the thing is made. Therefore we can see that a wrong usage of these “linkages” leads to different outcomes. Linked below is a series of preposition questions which I have tried and they are certainly helpful. Do try the preposition exercises under grammar and dictation.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Portfolio Task 1: W2T2

In the mentioned article (Introduction to Grand Challenges in Engineering), four main realms of human concerns are highlighted. These are inevitable circumstances whenever strives for improvement are made. Personally I felt the challenges of sustainability aspect is the most important in engineering profession and that sustaining water’s quantity and quality remains a priority till up to date.

There are many reasons to why answering the challenges of sustaining water conditions and amount is a must. One simple case is that water is a necessity. Water is vital for men’s survival and it has become an essential portion in our everyday’s life. With the situation of increasing population, there is definitely a need to sustain the demand of water in terms of quantity. The quality of water must also be maintained in potable standards for it to be usable.

Water is also deemed as a vital resource and not to be taken for granted as methods used to obtain water may not be applicable to every country. Therefore countries gained assurances by always looking for other technological alternatives suitable and applicable for them. One example is the NEWater technology specially developed by Singapore which is suitable for a country with limited or even no natural resources. Existing essential technologies which played a part or are essential to human’s living condition, may also be water-intensive dependent. Therefore it is also important that the resource requirement can be fulfilled and sustained.

Another important reason for addressing the challenge to sustain water’s quality is that it would directly affect engineering’s health issue challenges too. Top quality water is already a means of prevention for many diseases as they may have actually risen from having unclean water as their main source.

So in conclusion, sustaining the availability and quality of water is a definite important challenge for engineering. What uses will health prosperity, invulnerability and joyous living have if the basics and foundations of the civilisation can’t be sustained in the first place?