Thursday 21 August 2008

Portfolio Task 1: W2T2

In the mentioned article (Introduction to Grand Challenges in Engineering), four main realms of human concerns are highlighted. These are inevitable circumstances whenever strives for improvement are made. Personally I felt the challenges of sustainability aspect is the most important in engineering profession and that sustaining water’s quantity and quality remains a priority till up to date.

There are many reasons to why answering the challenges of sustaining water conditions and amount is a must. One simple case is that water is a necessity. Water is vital for men’s survival and it has become an essential portion in our everyday’s life. With the situation of increasing population, there is definitely a need to sustain the demand of water in terms of quantity. The quality of water must also be maintained in potable standards for it to be usable.

Water is also deemed as a vital resource and not to be taken for granted as methods used to obtain water may not be applicable to every country. Therefore countries gained assurances by always looking for other technological alternatives suitable and applicable for them. One example is the NEWater technology specially developed by Singapore which is suitable for a country with limited or even no natural resources. Existing essential technologies which played a part or are essential to human’s living condition, may also be water-intensive dependent. Therefore it is also important that the resource requirement can be fulfilled and sustained.

Another important reason for addressing the challenge to sustain water’s quality is that it would directly affect engineering’s health issue challenges too. Top quality water is already a means of prevention for many diseases as they may have actually risen from having unclean water as their main source.

So in conclusion, sustaining the availability and quality of water is a definite important challenge for engineering. What uses will health prosperity, invulnerability and joyous living have if the basics and foundations of the civilisation can’t be sustained in the first place?